“Sometimes when I get stressed out my shell feels tight, but I have ways of unwinding.”

Today was a good day. We are in bed laughing. Nicki is snoring between my legs. I said I was going to write. Usually this is difficult so I’m just going to stick to simple declarative sentences. As much truth as I can muster.

Before bed we watched The Whale. It engaged me with the message of writing powerful truths. Or the power of arriving at some actual truth.

This morning we took Nicki to daycare so she can play with the other dogs. Then we returned home and hung out, watching drag and random movies. Marcel the shell was a lifetime of truths so sweetly delivered. At some point we paused to go visit Market Days. My favorite parts were the cloudy skies and mostly empty streets and G’s shorts. Then we rode bikes home. It was perfect.

I thought a lot about time and anniversaries and my life so far. I delight in so many of my memories. But mostly I sit in awe of my very cozy life today. I love our home, our way with Nicki, and our relationship. This love has taken me and given a world of delight.

There was a moment this afternoon when both G and Nicki were asleep on the couch next to me snoring in perfect nap-time harmony. The sun caused my stained glass yellow to glow. It was a moment worth writing down and remembering. I hope to do more of that.

Tomorrow I return to regular work responsibilities and some condensed stress around preparing for SEED seminars this week. The only real negative is my anxiety that makes it all seem uncompromisingly difficult. And my fear that the anxiety will have me vomiting come morning. All I can do is breath, and remember that’s it’s literally all in my head.

I’m grateful to be living this part of my story with full presence of mind and awareness of change. I look forward to tomorrow.

About German Jones

I am a librarian by day; I do all sorts of things at night.
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